進階英文ADVANCED ENGLISH I: 本課程致力增強學生的學術語言和思辨能力,推動跨領域學習,以培育出具多元領域能力之人才。透過閱讀各領域的學術文章,分析寫作結構與技巧,進而有效地掌握學術文章閱讀與寫作技巧; 學生也能透過課堂練習與同儕觀摩,訓練英文聽力和口語表達能力,可以有條理地清楚表達自身的想法。課程中除了安排了聆聽客座演講,激發學生的興趣與能力,更將戲劇表演融入課程中,讓學生大膽的使用語言和肢體動作,主動學習充實說話內容,同時統整其他學科課程。


每週上課第一小時以講授課本為主討論為輔,學生課前預習指定上課內容,課堂中教師以投影片多媒體講解,也鼓勵學生發言,並利用課堂演練及考試來了解他們的學習成效。第二小時則以學生上台分享自己所讀文章為主,每位學生課前閱讀與當週主題相關的文章,準備2~3分鐘口頭報告,並回答其他學生的問題。另外,要求學生合力準備英文話劇,由劇本選定、分配工作開始,決定角色、準備道具、佈置舞台,接著背誦台詞、排練 ,最後以校內公演方式分享成果。


This course develops academic language and critical thinking skills essential for successful university studies across disciplines. To enhance listening and public speaking skills, the students are presented with a wealth of practice opportunities such as listening to real lectures and interviews, taking notes, and participating in drama. The course also offers opportunities to explore a wide variety of cultural and intellectual topics through attendance at public lectures, artistic performance and other events on and off campus, as well as in weekly discussions of topics and readings.


進階英文ADVANCED ENGLISH II: 本課程接續上學期進階英文一課程,除了推動跨領域學習,更著重在語言段落的理解分析能力,以培育出具高階學術語言和思辨能力之人才。學生透過課堂練習與同儕觀摩,發展個人清晰的論點,舉出相關的例子延伸並支持自己的論點。也能透過分析各領域的學術文章,撰寫闡述論點的文章或報告,且能對特定觀點提出支持或反對的理由,並解釋各種面向的優劣。第二學期課程中除了要求參加校外語文競賽,激發學生的興趣與能力,更將籌劃長庚科大英語營融入課程中,藉由為社區小學生設計多元精彩課程,主動學習以團隊合作方式達成目標,在過程中發現學習的樂趣,拓展英語學習視野。


This course is a follow-on from our Advanced English I course. In addition to promoting cross-curricular learning, it puts more focus on paragraph analysis to nurture students academic language and critical thinking skills. Through classroom exercises and peer feedback, students develop clear arguments and give relevant examples to support/extend their arguments. Students also analyze academic articles in various fields, write reports expressing a point of view, and provide evidence to support or oppose the view, and present different dimensions with the advantages and disadvantages of each. To expand vision for learning, students must take part in an English language contest approved by the teacher. Also, students get actively involved in one-day English Kids Camp at CGUST, where they work on many parts such as ice breaker, game, song activity and time which they have to create for their own students.
